Disability Justice Australia National Logo

Our history


The beginning

In 1989 the Spastic Society of Victoria (now SCOPE) had a Consumer Unit to help clients have a say about the services they received. A group of key staff and clients decided to form an independent organisation to help clients advocate for themselves.


Action Resource Network established

action resource network logo

After many months of planning and discussion the Action Resource Network (ARN) was formed and in April that year opened the first office in Johnston Street, Abbotsford. The majority of members and service users were originally people who formerly used Spastic Society Victoria services.

The Spastic Society of Victoria supported the ARN with seed funding together with in-kind support from staff – including access to vehicles.

In March 1990 the Committee of Management amended the constitution to say that ARN change the focus from people who are “Spastic Society consumers” to “people with multiple disabilities”.

The ARN was originally set up to provide a service for consumers to self-advocate but when federal government funding under the Disability Services Act was obtained emphasis shifted to the provision of individual advocacy.

The ARN worked closely with other agencies such as Villamanta, AMIDA, the Disability Resources Centre and Action for Community Living (Leadership Plus) on several important legal and systemic issues affecting consumers.It gained a reputation as one of the leading disability advocacy agencies in Victoria.


Change of Name to “Disability Justice Advocacy”

ARN was coincidentally the initials of a garbage truck pick up service, so it was felt that a name with the word advocacy in it was more appropriate. In 1995 the name was changed to “Disability Justice Advocacy” after consultation with members.


After a successful systemic advocacy campaign by STAG, the Victorian Government committed $12.5 million over four years to improving the safety of railway crossings for wheelchair users.


25th Anniversary Celebrations

Disability Justice Advocacy celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a major event on Thursday 27 August 2015. It was generously supported by our partners Maurice Blackburn Lawyers and Bank Australia.

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers supported the celebration by providing the venue and catering for which we are extremely grateful.

Bank Australia supported the celebration by sponsoring and presenting the 25th Anniversary Systemic Advocacy Award.

25th Anniversary Systemic Advocacy Award

The Board and staff decided to make a one-off presentation called the 25th Anniversary Systemic Advocacy Award. There were 7 nominations and the winner was Brian Caccianiga.

Brian, through long term systemic advocacy, successfully negotiated with the Minister for Transport and his advisors for free public transport for people with disability who depend on the use of a scooter or wheelchair for mobility outside their home.

His campaign ended in 2012 when the Minister for Transport notified his department to list scooter/wheelchair users in the regulations to receive free travel on public transport and informed Brian to pass on the information to the relevant stakeholders.

Presentation of award.
Left to right: Damian Richmond (Community Development Manager of Bank Australia), Trevor Carroll (Executive Officer of Disability Justice Advocacy) and Brian Caccianiga.

Brian was presented with:

  • An engraved trophy
  • A framed certificate
  • An EFTPOS card to the value of $500


Historic member vote

12 September 2018 – over 85% of members voted to:

  • Change our name to Disability Justice Australia Inc.
  • Become a Registrable Australian Body (to trade in all states and territories within Australia).
  • Make changes to our Vision, Mission, Objectives, Philosophy and Values.
  • Make minor definition changes within the constitution.
  • Establish a Social Enterprise.

25 September 2018 – Change of Incorporated name in Victoria as “Disability Justice Australia Inc.”.

17 October 2018 – Registered with Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) as an Australian Registered Body (ARBN: 629 441 078).

17 November 2018 – Changed registration status with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

10 December 2018 – Officially became known as “Disability Justice Australia Inc.”


Constitution amended

22 September 2021 the Constitution was amended to include a new voting membership for parents, guardians, carers and support persons  for the first time.

See here for details on how to become a member.

Disability Justice Australia Today

We are a Disabled Peoples Organisation (DPO) with almost 300 members funded by DSS to provide:

  • Disability Advocacy.
  • NDIS Appeals support.

We have a national and international footprint through our memberships of:

We have a 4 year strategic plan to:

  • Deliver NDIS support coordination to NDIS participants.
  • Expand our membership into all states and territories.
  • Offer services to people with disability in all states and territories.
  • Develop a number of Social Enterprises to help build our sustainability.

We have a 4 year strategic plan to:

  • Deliver NDIS support coordination to NDIS participants.
  • Expand our membership into all states and territories.
  • Offer services to people with disability in all states and territories.
  • Develop a number of Social Enterprises to help build our sustainability.